Looking from behind ice cream counter Main floor freezer for customer use seen to left of photo Glimpse of sink seen to left and dish/glass drying area seen to left center

View of the triple sink for cleaning and the dryer are seen in the center of photo. Customer ice cream freezer with gallon sizes visable to center of photo

Looking from behind ice cream counter. Note trays on bottom. These are the refills for immediate access to bring to top where ice cream is served. Glasses, banana splits dish dryer seen to left. Refuse cans seen to right of photo. Ice cream scoop water cleansing units seen to left and right

Birds eye view – Seen from Ice Cream area, with deli to right looking towards entry and coffee area

Another view of refuse cans looking back toward soda fountain and deli areas. Back up ice cream freezers seen to right center. Carousel lit in Yellow. Colors change with rotation

Refuse cans seen to center, on far right are the refill ice cream freezers for customer take away in gallon sizes. Shelves are seen above refuse cans for our glassware (milkshake, parfait glasses, banana split boats & sundaes)

This is where all ice cream is stored for back-up to refill main freezer on floor for customer use. Deli counter and managers desk seen in background. Carousel seen lit in yellow,

One more view showing soda fountain coolers and deli coolers & refuse cans and shelves above

Seated at Ice Cream Counter looking across to Deli in far corner

Crushed ice machine to left. Soda canisters in glass cooler display makes for a more catchy look

Back isle view looking from Soda Fountain to Ice Cream area to Cartoon Room

1940’s Old Time Soda Fountain/Ice Cream Shop

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